Chiropractic Care at SFC
Gentle + Specific Nervous System-Focused Chiropractic Care
According to Gray’s Anatomy, “the nervous system controls and coordinates all of the organs and structures of the human body.” Our approach to chiropractic care is about simply allowing that important nervous system to do its job! To do this, we’ve trained in gentle techniques to support the nervous system and help remove interference + tension within it. Because, as mentioned above, every system in the body: glandular, eliminatory, digestive, muscular, circulatory, reproductive, respiratory, and skeletal, depends on the optimal function of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.
At Skelton Family Chiropractic, we take the time to get to know you and your story. When healing happens from chiropractic, it’s because of your body’s ability to heal, not from any one adjustment. Chiropractic is more than popping or cracking to relieve back pain. Whether it’s you or your newborn baby, we believe in first looking at the person before us as a whole and starting with the nervous system to determine what interference is causing the symptoms. We then remove this interference and allow your body to function as it was designed to as opposed to a quick cover up job of only addressing the symptoms.
Dr. Alex is certified in MC2 and Webster Technique and trained in Zone, Thompson, Activator, Diversified, and Sacro-Occipital Techniques allowing her to provide personalized care to anyone who lays on her table.
Prenatal Chiropractic Care
Whether you are trying to conceive or are already pregnant, having a nervous system that is clear and connected creates an optimal environment for a comfortable and healthy pregnancy.
When a mom’s body is in balance as she undergoes a significant body transformation, a healthy nervous system by means of consistent chiropractic care allows for optimized position, growth, and connection with the her little one.
There are so many benefits from prenatal chiropractic care. From shorter labor times, to reduced nausea, to decreased pain, to optimal baby positioning, the list goes on and on! By aiming to restore mom’s pelvic balance, to remove spinal subluxations and interference to the nervous system, and to release ligamentous tension, baby gets clear messages and more wiggle room.
Dr. Alex is certified in the Webster Technique from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) and is ready to care for you during this special time.
Pediatric Chiropractic Care
Since significant trauma can occur during or prior to birth, even the most natural births, many families choose to have their newborns checked after birth. The adjustments are safe and gentle. In fact, most of our little ones sleep through their adjustment! No cracking, twisting, or popping involved for these little guys. We’re trained specifically to safely care for your precious new child using just the pressure you would use to check the ripeness of an avocado.
How do you know if your child needs to see a pediatric chiropractor? Your child could benefit from chiropractic care if they are experiencing poor sleeping, difficulty soothing, irregular digestion, tilting their head to one side even after you straighten it, chronic ear infections, consistently getting sick, missing milestones, bedwetting, and more. Their nervous system, like yours, knows best! And if we can take tension off of it so it works more efficiently, healing happens. It’s never too late to have your child checked. As the saying goes, “as the twig is bent, so grows the tree”. Healthy kids grow into healthy adults, and it’s easier to tweak a twig than to untwist a whole tree.
Dr. Alex has taken additional training to care for your little ones and truly has a passion for this special population.