chiropractor in Waxahachie, Tx specializing in prenatal, pediatric, & whole family care
Chiropractor Waxahachie, Tx
Our Services
Dr. Alex is certified and trained in safe and effective techniques, including Webster Technique, MC2, and Zone Technique, for women during preconception, pregnancy and postpartum.
There is no popping, twisting, or cracking here for the little ones. We have taken extensive additional training to safely care for your children.
At Skelton Family Chiropractic, we love taking care of the whole family. We offer affordable family wellness plans so that your family can heal & stay healthy together.
What sets us apart from other chiropractors?
Gentle. Specific. Effective.
Our passion is finding the root cause of a problem, and correcting it for good. We’re trained in Specific, Neurologically-Based Protocols and Gentle, Research-Driven Techniques that are designed to work with your body instead of against it.